Like an uninvited guest, Doubt shows up at the most inopportune times – usually it’s when life is “messy . . . we haven’t had time to get things in order and it appears that everything is falling apart at the seams. Just when we begin to grasp onto whatever is left of hope, Doubt comes knocking at the door. But, when we find doubt knocking, we should be sure and let Faith answer.
Life is difficult at best; although our human instinct is to believe that our faith in God should make life “better” . . . nothing could be further from the Truth. We’re promised that in this world we will have trouble – we should count on it. (John 16:33) Yet, we should also trust in God’s sovereignty, supernatural power, love, mercy, and grace. But, it’s in our times of despair that Doubt takes over and begins to wreak havoc in our souls. We find ourselves between the walls of the Red Sea . . . assured that God has rescued us in the past, but filled with doubt, as we see the treacherous waters ready to come crashing in on us and an encroaching army ready to attack. The situation seems “doubtful.” It seems unlikely that God will show up this time. The anxiety within us builds to such a point that it’s not the waters of the Red Sea that are drowning us . . . it’s the waves of Doubt that have flooded our soul and our spirit cries out, “Is God with us or isn’t He?”
You might think that you’re the only one who gets regular unwanted visits from Doubt, but you can rest assured that Doubt shows up at the door of every believer time and time again. Doubt will walk right in when the door has been left unlocked. When Faith has left, Doubt decides to visit and, at times, we decide to welcome Doubt in to sit down and chat for a while. The result of that time with Doubt leads us deeper into despair . . . we so easily forget about Faith, as we spend endless hours visiting with Doubt.
What we must remember in our darkest moments of life is that God has often led us to the very place in which we now stand . . . in the midst of a parted Red Sea. And He has done so to teach us a much needed lesson in our walk of faith – we cannot deliver ourselves from a crisis that God Himself has orchestrated. Often, it is by His design that we are in the midst of our overwhelming situation. We so quickly become focused upon the seemingly insurmountable circumstances, instead of our supernatural God. The outcome of our trial depends upon one thing: our faith in God. The question is: “Will your faith stand this test . . . and the next one . . . and the next one?” God brings you through test after test in order to build a testimony in you that says, “My God is faithful.”
When we’re put to the ultimate test of faith, and we will encounter it at one time or another, we find overwhelming circumstances . . . giant issues facing us, high seas of affliction, and the evil of principalities and powers seeking to destroy us. It is then that we must totally cast ourselves on God’s Promises and slam the door on Doubt. Many times we must speak out loud and directly command Doubt to leave at once in the name of Jesus! We must decide to confidently walk forward, as the walls of the Sea seem eager to take us down, and believe that God is bigger than any problem or enemy that might come against us. It’s this kind of faith that brings a calm and rest to our soul, no matter what our situation. When we settle, once and for all, that “God is bigger,” we can find the peace that surpasses all understanding reigning within us.
Whatever you’re going through, God is in it. He has allowed the circumstances that have brought Doubt to your door, and He is increasing your faith by threatening to destroy it. If you are walking in faith, God has ordered your steps – He has put you where you are. He has good reason for it – you are being tested. When you are consumed with Doubt . . . when everything appears hopeless . . . when there seems no way of escape . . . when you are overcome with fear because everything is crumbling down around you . . . when there is nowhere to turn and no answers to be found, God says one thing:
“Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today.” Exodus 14:13 (NLT)
It’s beyond a doubt, as you stand still, holding your peace, and staying focused upon your sovereign God, that you will find that God’s deliverance doesn’t come through something you do, say, or pray . . . but through your Faith.