By Daniel Yoder
The question is “Are You Fully Covered?” It’s funny we have insurance for everything in our lives but do we have SPITITUAL COVERAGE? You might answer and say I’m saved that’s all the insurance that I need! I’ll admit that is vital, but your standard of living here on Earth is dependent upon the types of coverage you carry. An example of some of your insurance you carry is on your car. You might only carry liability and not full coverage, so if your car gets wrecked or stolen your policy won’t cover you. If you want your car fixed or if you still owe on it, you are out luck the money comes out of your pocket not the insurance companies. Now on the other hand if you carry full coverage and this happens you are fully covered. So you see you need fill coverage. Today I want you to look at “The Kingdom Insurance Policy” and see the various types of you need to survive in this life. But first before we look at this type policy I must introduce you to the CEO and owner of The Kingdom Insurance Company, JESUS CHRIST. Now in order to qualify for this spiritual insurance coverage, you must first repent from other worldly coverages and all worldly ways, you must confess Jesus Christ as Lord over all your life, and believe in your heart, that GOD raised him (JESUS)from the dead see (Romans 10:9). Now once you have done this, then you receive The Kingdom Insurance Policycoverage which full is coverage at no additional charge. But for many of us, unless we pay our premiums then our life will reflect lapses in the various types of coverage that this policy offers to the beholder.
Trinity Insurance Company
God The Father, Jesus The Son, And The Holy Spirit
Fire Insurance
John 3:16-18
This is the best part of your coverage, and for some, the only one they have knowledge of! But the problem is this coverage is it does not pertain to the eternal fire because that was covered when you enrolled for the coverage, but it pertains to the fire in life’s trials and tribulation of every day life. With this policy, when fire (trials and tribulation) comes and it will, it will protect you and see you through the fire. You become stronger through your trials in life but if you do not have the knowledge of this coverage, when the fire comes, you may be consumed in it. Make sure your fire insurance stays intact and fully active by reading your Bible daily and having a relationship with the Holy Spirit and truthfully turning your life over to JESUS CHRIST and letting Him lead the way through the fire, see (Daniel 3:8-18) You have to know you have this coverage in order to carry this coverage and how to apply it!
Flood insurance
Luke 6:48-49
Without this coverage many Christians find themselves in so much deep water(trouble) because they fail to prepare their lives daily to kill the flesh and allow the Spirit to lead them. They see trouble coming, but yet they try and protect their monetary belonging instead of trying to protect and save the other people and themselves from drowning in sin. The flood of sin that is all around us and in the world will swallow you so fast. So if you don’t keep your flood insurance intact you will lose everything. The more you invest in sin, the worse the flood and deeper the water, the harder it is to be rescued or swim out of. To keep this coverage intact you must walk daily by the Spirit. Floods will come into our lives and it doesn’t always have to be sin, but if we know the King Jesus, then when the flood comes, by the way of Satan accusing us daily of past sins, then we have the confidence in knowing we are saved and the price for the sin has been paid fully by the King Of Kings.
Hurricane and Tornado Insurance
Romans 5:1-4
Just how quick we can find trouble and how much devastation can come from one decision! Much like natural hurricanes and tornadoes, the spiritual swirling winds around us can try to pick us up and separate us from the foundation (Christ Jesus) and throw us wherever they choose to. Everything that is not attached to a solid foundation is picked up and tossed and utterly destroyed. Only things grounded to a solid foundation will be able to stand these spiritually destructive storms. So many of us have been picked up and tossed away from the foundation because we fail to ground ourselves to something solid and eternal. These storms are unpredictable and very destructive but know, just like in the natural world, they are coming! Insure yourselves in this coverage and hold on to the foundation who is Jesus Christ because there is always peace after the storm!
Health and Prescription Coverage
Matthew 8:6-7;10-13
So many of us are spiritually sick and some are physically sick! The good news is when you have this coverage, you will always make a full recovery. Our doctor knows knows all the remedies and guarantees and insures that His remedies will work with one side effect, JOY! Our doctor’s name is Jesus and He requires that you do three things in order to insure a full recovery! First is to recognize Him as your doctor who is able to heal you. Next you must have faith and know you will be healed. You must follow His counsel in taking your medications whether it is physical (as seeing a doctor and following their advice. The word of God tells us of our use of doctors and medicine) or spiritual (The Word of God) Finally, give Him the Glory and testify that He healed you, or sent you to the right doctor who with the help of Jesus you were healed,TESTIFY. Once you see the doctor and tell Him all about your troubles, you can and will not ever be the same and the joy you have, you should share with others as to what the doctor has done for you. Stop by and see the doctor right now, and make sure He knows your name because some think they know Him and they truly do not!
Eternal Life Insurance
Romans 12: 1-2: John 17:12-16
Just as important as the rest of the other coverages. In order to keep this coverage you must live the life you have accepted! A Kingdom citizen acts like a Kingdom citizen and doesn’t look, act or talk like the world that is going to Hell! In other words, they walk, they talk, they look, and act like the Eternal Kingdom that they belong to! Many so called Christians fail to effectively experience this coverage on Earth because they do not have a relationship with the owner of this policy, Jesus Christ. When you are saved, then you are an eternal creation in time and space so your life should guide you by the eternal Hand of God and allow what is eternal to effect the realm of time and space, who is God Eternal. Without this coverage, many believers never realize or experience the benefits of living in The Kingdom Of God on Earth today. They tend to look and act like the world and this is the most damaging and costly thing to The Kingdom (Wayward Christians). Live this policy so that others can see how the other policies work together to insure full coverage.
Your Premium
Matthew 26:28 1 Corinthians 15:30-31
God’s insurance policy can lapse or be suspended for many of us, it has many times but unlike the earthly insurance policies, we can always re-instate our policy through repentance change and forgiveness! We Have to pay our premiums daily and be prepared for God to cash in on our specific policy at anytime. We do not know the time when He will, but we know He Will. Be sure that your policy is up to date and paid in full and all your coverages are intact and not canceled by your actions or inactions. You must carry full coverage to get into the Kingdom and no one without Full Coverage will enter!! So my question is…?
Are You Fully Covered And Insured
With The Trinity Insurance Company?