In Genesis, the Anointing is Abraham’s Visitations, Jacobs’ ladder, and Joseph’s Dreams. * In Exodus, The a Anointing is Moses’ Rod that split the Red Sea, the Pillar of Fire by night, and the Glory Cloud by day. * In Leviticus, the Anointing is the Consecration Oil poured on the Priests. * In Numbers, the Anointing is Aarons’ Rod that Budded. * In Deuteronomy, the Anointing is Manna raining down from Heaven. * In Joshua, the Anointing is the Steps that Parted the Jordan River and the Trumpet Blast that toppled Jericho’s Walls. * In Judges’ the Anointing is Samson’s Hair, Samson’s Jawbone of a Donkey, and Gideon’s Fleece. * In Ruth, the Anointing is Boaz’s Favor. * In 1 Samuel, the Anointing is Samuel’s Horn of Oil, David’s Sweet Psalms, and David’s Fine Smooth Stone’s. * In 2 Samuel, the Anointing is the Touch of God transferred from Mentor to Protege. * In 1 Kings the Anointing is Elijah’s Mantle. * In 2 Kings, the Anointing is the Double Portion and the Power that Floated the Axe Head. * In 1 Chronicles, the Anointing is a release of Tons and Tons of Gold and Silver for the work of God. * In 2 Chronicles, is the Glory of the Lord filling God’s House at its Completion. * In Ezra, the Anointing is the Prompting to Rebuild God’s Temple and City. * In Nehemiah, the Anointing is the Courage to Finish the Work. * In Esther, the Anointing is the Scepter of Favor extended to her by the King. * In Job, the Anointing is Twice as much as he had before. * In Psalms, the Anointing is the Oil of Joy to Praise the Lord. * In Proverbs, the Anointing is Transferred down from Parents, and Transferred between Friends. * In Ecclesiastes, the Anointing makes Everything Beautiful in its Time. * In the Songs of Solomon, the Anointing is Love that cannot be quenched. * In Isaiah, the Anointing is the Coal of Fire that touched his lips. * In Jeremiah, the Anointing is the Fire shut up in my Bones. * In Lamentations, the Anointing is New Every Morning. * In Ezekiel, the Anointing is Visions from God. * In Daniel, the Anointing is Dreams from God. * In Hosea, the Anointing is the Drawing of Backsliders Back Home to the Lord. * In Joel, the Anointing is the Spirit of God Poured upon All Flesh, both Servants and Handmaidens. * In Amos, the Anointing is the Power of Agreement to Walk Together. * In Obadiah, the Anointing is the Fire and the Flame that Burns in the House of God. * In Jonah, the Anointing is the Grace to Repent. * In Micah, the Anointing is “But as for me, I am filled with Power, with the Spirit of The Lord. * In Nahum, the Anointing is The Book of Visions. * In Habakkuk, the Anointing is the Defining and Writing of the Vision. * In Zephaniah, the Anointing is the Restoration of the Fortunes of God’s People.* In Haggai, the Anointing is the Urgency to Build God’s House. * In Zechariah, the Anointing is the Oil Flowing from the Golden Lamp Stand into God’s Leaders. * In Malachi, the Anointing is Correcting Divorce, and the Failure to Tithe. * In Matthew, the Anointing is the Star that hovered over the Wise Men and led them to Christ. * In Mark, the Anointing is the Power to go Ye, as well as the laying on of Hands to Heal the Sick and cast out devils. * In Luke, the Anointing is the Spirit of The Lord that is upon me to Preach, Heal, Deliver, Open, Comfort, and Gladden. * In John, the Anointing is Jesus’ unveiling of the Spirit of Truth, the Comforter. * In Acts, the Anointing is the Tongues of Fire, Trances, Peter’s Shadow, and Paul’s Aprons that Heal. * In Romans, the Anointing is the Power that Grafts us into the Vine and the Grace beyond our fondest Imaginations. * In 1 Corinthians, the Anointing is the Nine Manifestation Gifts of the Spirit. * In 2 Corinthians the Anointing is the Ability to Endure Hardships for the cause of Christ.* In Galatians, the Anointing is the Working of Miracles through faith alone. * In Ephesians, the Anointing is the Five Fold Ministry of Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, and Teacher. * In Philippians, the Anointing is the Exaltation of the Name that is above Every Name. * In Colossians, the Anointing is what made All Things and Holds All Things Together. * In 1 Thessalonians, the Anointing Gets the Church Ready to meet Our Savior. * In 2 Thessalonians, the Anointing is God’s Control over the End Times. * In1 Timothy, the Anointing is the Gifts given to You through Prophesy, and the Laying on of Hands of the Leaders. * In 2 Timothy, the Anointing is the Spirit of Power, Love, and a Sound Mind. * In Titus, the Anointing is the Blessed Hope of His Glorious Appearing. * In Philemon, the Anointing is Sharing Your Faith. * In Hebrews, The Anointing is what made Jesus the Great High Priest, the Intercessor, the Mediator, and the Head. * In James, the Anointing is the Prayer of Faith that Heals the Sick. * In 1 Peter, the Anointing is the Skill to Feed and Lead the Flock of God. * In 2 Peter, the Anointing is Patience until the Lord Comes Back. * In 1 John, the Anointing is the Fervor inside the Believer to Know All Things. * In 3 John, the Anointing is Prosperity and Health. * In Jude, the Anointing is the Power that showed Enoch the Lord’s second coming Millenniums in Advance. * In Revelations, the Anointing is what brings JESUS BACK AGAIN.