By Daniel Yoder
The question is “Are You Fully Covered?” It’s funny we have insurance for everything in our lives but do we have SPITITUAL COVERAGE? You might answer and say I’m saved that’s all the insurance that I need! I’ll admit that is vital, but your standard of living here on Earth is dependent upon the types of coverage you carry. An example of some of your insurance you carry is on your car. You might only carry liability and not full coverage, so if your car gets wrecked or stolen your policy won’t cover you. If you want your car fixed or if you still owe on it, you are out luck the money comes out of your pocket not the insurance companies. Now on the other hand if you carry full coverage and this happens you are fully covered. So you see you need fill coverage. Today I want you to look at “The Kingdom Insurance Policy” and see the various types of you need to survive in this life. But first before we look at this type policy I must introduce you to the CEO and owner of The Kingdom Insurance Company, JESUS CHRIST. Now in order to qualify for this spiritual insurance coverage, you must first repent from other worldly coverages and all worldly ways, you must confess Jesus Christ as Lord over all your life, and believe in your heart, that GOD raised him (JESUS)from the dead see (Romans 10:9). Now once you have done this, then you receive The Kingdom Insurance Policycoverage which full is coverage at no additional charge. But for many of us, unless we pay our premiums then our life will reflect lapses in the various types of coverage that this policy offers to the beholder. [Read more…]